What’s your favourite snowy movie? Our top tips for surviving snowmageddons!
Here in Montreal, we’ve been hit with more snow than we’ve had in 127 years (you can see the Pom Police braving the frozen tundra here)! So unsurprisingly, it’s presented us with some challenges keeping both toasty and entertained. Here are our top tips for getting through the February freezies. Top 3 tips for braving the elements: 1) Dress warmly. Something I’ve been paying more attention to are my pups’ joints. As a senior lady, Fizzgig has some osteoarthritis in her hips. And in fact, many dogs may start developing osteoarthritis at much younger ages than we think! So I’m...

Keeping things cool for our furry friends this summer
"We’re having a heatwaaaaave..a tropical heatwaaaaave…" Oh wait, we’re not in the tropics. But we are definitely experiencing a lot more heatwaves than we used to, and sadly that’s not a trend likely to reverse itself any time soon. And while we all rush out to buy fans and portable air conditioners, stocking our freezers full of virtually every flavour of ice cream we can cram in there, it’s important to think about what these extended heat bombs mean for our furry friends. Short and sweet--the science doesn’t lie! Opt for early morning and late evening walks if possible. But...

Are plants the new pets for dog and cat parents? Our tips for botanical adoptions!
As tough as the last year was, pandemania has had a couple of positive impacts for pet guardians. The first is the production of a new generation of home bakers that took advantage of lockdowns to start their sourdoughs and leaven those breads. No doubt dogs have rejoiced at the abundance of baked goods gracing kitchens (though Big Boss Fizzgig still seems more interested in finding street bread than in helping me to expand my baking horizons). And the second has been the renewed interest in houseplants. Over the course of the last 14 months it seems like almost everyone...